There are many reasons to get curious about fear. Mainly, it’s the number one barrier to allowing change, when I believe it’s actually the door opener for that very change. From that place, how resilient can we be?

FOURAGE provides the following services:

  • COACHING: Executive leadership and personal transformation  

  • TRAINING: Intentional business advancement leadership workshops

  • CONSULTING: Learn what role fear may be playing inside your organization and how to shift your relationship with it

  • SPEAKING: Thought provoking speaker with actionable insights


Personally - Access your truest desires and authentic expression 

Intentional response (choice) versus automatic reactions

Tap into greater creativity and expression

Forge connections (increase community)

Connect to purpose / Purpose-led decision making

Presence (experience inner ease)

Professionally - Lead with conviction no matter the circumstance 

Access unknowns and uncertainties to enable intentional purpose-driven leadership

Create safe spaces for creativity and innovation to thrive

Sales and marketing effectiveness: Evaluate all the information (even unknowns or fears) to ensure you’re intentionally choosing how to respond, versus unintentionally reacting

Change management and employee engagement: Create win-win successes by participating in ecosystems of value

Executive Presence